The Tallest Friday night.

I love The Tallest Man on Earth. I realize that I never shut up about him. We had the blessed opportunity to see him, in person, front row, spits length away. He ruffled my hair. Also, he is NOT the tallest man on the earth. He is a very skinny and short Swede. So if you aren't catching on to this "Tallest" thing... it doesn't actually mean tall. In one of his songs, "the gardener" he says "so I can stay the tallest man in your eyes babe". HA get it! Ya I hope you are getting it.

So listen to this song. and I will blab about the concert.
Ready, GO!
 Our friends waited in line for 2 hours, were first in line, and got a spot right at the front!
 He would always come right in front of us! In fact, our friend Bran was making a video, and at the end of the song TTMoE bent down and put his finger on the camera hole, then laughed and ruffled Bran's hair. Hahaha! It was great.

 People say he sounds a lot like Bob Dylan. I know who that is but... I've never listened to his stuff. TTMoE references Bob Dylan songs in his music. Like boots of spanish leather.
Most, if not all of the pictures were taken by Shane. So gras Shaney!
On the last encore song he was right by us again, so Shane reached out his hand, so I decided to do the same. TTMoE grabbed Shane's hand, patted it, ruffled MY HAIR, then touched Shane's face. Then Bran and Shane patted him on the back.
So what I'm trying to tell you is that we are best friends with him now.

He's a goody. I would spend all day telling you why I love his music but 'aint nobody got time for that.


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